First Baptist Church is a loving and caring family where support and encouragement are found to face the demands of life. We are people just like you who know what it is like to experience joy, sorrow, success, and disappointment. We come from different backgrounds, but are joined together by a common commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are committed to fulfilling the purposes God has for our church. We want to grow higher through worship, deeper through discipleship, closer through fellowship, broader through ministry, and larger through evangelism.
To glorify God by reaching the unchurched and developing growing, committed
Christians united in Christ and equipped for ministry in the church and world!
God has a plan and purpose for each individual life. Our church exists to help people find and
fulfill their God-given potential and purpose in life. We invite you to discover and fulfill
the unique plan and purpose God has for you in the fellowship of our church family.
Services: |
Sunday |
8:00 & 10:30 AM |
Morning Worship |
9:15 AM |
Sunday School |
Wednesday |
6:30 PM |
Youth Bible Study and Fellowship |
Adult Bible Study and Prayer |
Children's Mission Activities |
Adult Choir Rehersal |